Never spend the last bit of fuel in your tank, so you can bring it with for the extra storage even if you're not driving it. Don't worry, if you're going back home and ran out of fuel it will come with, but not when leaving home with it. if you choose to take the chopper while its empty, you can still drag the ATV to the Global Map, it will seem as if you're bringing it with, but if there is not fuel above the red line it will not come with you to a location. So in a dangerous situation, you are guaranteed to at least keep anything placed in the ATV's storage slots. When/if you die and respawn at your Home base, the ATV returns with you, with its cargo intact. The Default Chopper contains four slots for general storage, in addition to the pattern and fuel slots, accessed in the ATV menu. To drive it is necessary at least 30 of fuel = 6 Bottle with Gasoline.

The default class ATV can hold up to 500 Fuel. On the map screen, it appears as an additional bar beside the Energy bar at the top of the screen. The ATV fuel level can be viewed from either the Chopper menu or the map screen. Otherwise, even if the player inventory has 1 slot, the bottle won't appear in your inventory. An Empty Bottle will be produced in a "Baggage" slot if one is available. 1 Bottle with Gasoline adds 5 Fuel to the ATV, 100 Bottle with Gasoline = 500 Fuel.On global map unless you decide to run instead of drive.The "Gasoline Can" is consumed in the process.